
4 Tech Gadgets That Can Help You With Sending Letters – Mighty Gadget

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Since the invention of letter mail, sending letters has been a part of our lives. Yet as time goes by, mailing letters is becoming very outdated with the growing technology and availability to use email to send your communications to someone. But there are various reasons why you might still want to send a letter through the mail, rather than email. A few examples are formal business letters, love letters to your special someone, invitations, or thank-yous after attending an event.

However, there are still inherent drawbacks to sending letters through the mail. For example, the price of sending a standard letter through USPS (Postal Service) starts at $0.49, while emailing is usually free (at least for the standard ones).

To counter such drawbacks, today we will be presenting you with 4 tech gadgets that can help you with sending letters easily. Continue reading below to find out more.

1) Folder Inserter

Folder Inserters, also known as envelope inserters, are incredibly useful technology for anyone who sends letters regularly. These devices are also commonly called envelope sealers because they not only help by inserting envelopes but sealing them as well! Some of these nifty machines come with a letter folder, inserter, and sealer functions. They usually come with special features like margin adjustment which allows you to do things like stack multiple envelopes together. This way, there’s no need to use adhesive or any other tools – you can seal up to 30 envelopes an hour!

This device is really helpful if you are often forced to send letters because of your job, especially if it requires sending the same letter over and over again. It will make everything easier for you because instead of taping each envelope separately or using glue, you just have to insert the paper into the machine and press a few buttons.

2) Portable Letter Creator 

Another highly recommended gadget is called the Portable Letter Creator (PLC). But what exactly is the PLC?

The PLC is a device that allows you to print standard letters onto letter-sized paper, for free! How does it work? The concept behind this creative idea is simple. Letters are sent through the mail via USPS (Postal Service). Anytime someone needs to send a letter to the Postal Service, they pass by this machine. The person will then either handwrite or print their letter onto a piece of paper (stationery) that is provided by the PLC. These sheets are then passed through the machine, which scans them for content. Afterward, these letters are loaded into an automatic mail carrier system and sent off. The entire process only takes a few seconds!

3) Portable Pre-Inked Stamp: 

Next up we have the Portable Pre-inked Stamp. This product functions very similarly to a regular stamp, which you would use to seal your envelopes. As the name implies, it is portable and does not require you to be near a stamp machine in order to use it. How does it work? It is very simple and straightforward: you print out the letter onto a standard sheet of paper (8.5 x 11 inches) and then place this sheet into an envelope (envelopes are also provided). Then, simply lift up your pre-inked stamp and press it onto the envelope vertically, and you’re done!

4) Label Printer

Label printers are another awesome gadget that every household should own. These devices allow printing custom-made labels for items like bottles, clothes hangers, or simply envelopes to be put into the mailbox. This technology gives you full control over the look of your label – you can use different shapes and colors to make something similar to professional packaging tape sold at hardware stores! Moreover, these gadgets usually come with special paper which doesn’t require gluing or any other type of further processing – just print it on this paper, cut off the excess material, and stick the label.

This device is really helpful if you have to send gifts or packages regularly, for example as a designer or an artist. The level of customization available with these printers is impressive, and it can make everything look more professional – something that especially people who buy other people’s work appreciate.

The convenient aspect of using a machine that helps send letters is that it has the potential to save businesses and individuals a lot of time and money. Most letters (and other important paper documents) we send off usually require an envelope and postage, both of which can add up quickly. With these products, you would be able to print your own personalized letters and envelopes in a matter of seconds!


Author: Tech gadgets